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Surviving Deep Budget Cuts Made Easier

Thomas Edison is quoted for saying, “There’s a way to do it better… find it!”. Employing the mindset of foreign opinions breed fresh ideas usually leads to big rewards. So, you have been asked to do more with less… What a concept! But, remember… Necessity is the mother of invention. The Gabriel way to overcome […]

Making Green Work In Your Best Interest

What comes first? Green or Results? How do government agencies advocate the transition into green chemicals? I asked the former NY State Director of Environmental Services, Kurt Larson, to contribute his thoughts. The following is Kurt’s message: The dictionary states that green maybe something designed to limit environmental damage. What is meant by green cleaning? […]

Key to Floor Mopping Success

There is only one way to achieve maximum Floor Mopping Success… If each of the above are not of the very best quality, your work quality and job efficiency will be compromised.Fast-1-2-3 EFP, in the Art of Cleaning cold water system removes grease, oil, and animal fat without leaving a soil residue to dull floors, cause slipping, foster […]

Selecting a Vendor Correctly

Selecting A Vendor Correctly Often, I am asked for advice on how to determine if a prospective vendor can deliver as promised. Here is my normal answer. Step 1Only accept references of customers who have not had to strip floors for at least six years. Step 2Ask the references the following: Do baseboards need special […]

Resolve Housekeeping Problems Permanently

Better Chemicals Improve How Tools Perform Not The Opposite If housekeeping problems are driving you to mount a search for better tools, upgrading a chemical before spending money on “better” tools will deliver the best value. Battling dirty grout often turns ones focus toward finding a better brush. Yet, the problem usually ends up being […]