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Do Not Get Trapped Into Buying Proprietary Equipment

Always remember: Chemicals clean and equipment is used to make cleaning easier.

Cleaning made easy is about efficiency and job quality. Chemical efficacy directly impacts job quality and product cost.

If you are in search of a tool or machine to make cleaning easier, make sure that your present chemicals are truly of the highest quality.

The correct chemical achieves a virtually perfect job done “by hand” on a regular basis. If using equipment helps you achieve the same results in less time and the return on investment is worth the expenditure, purchase the equipment.

Beware of equipment with proprietary designing. To have total control over job quality, ROI, and labor and material costs, only buy equipment fitted for universal standard chemical bottles.

Proprietary engineering left the computer world many years ago in favor of uniform connections. Uniformity has been a huge stimulus to digital technology and reducing product cost. So,always demand uniform standard chemical connections.

Now is the best time to consider changing your facilitys housekeeping system…
Schools, industry, and healthcare facilities using the Gabriel Total Quality Housekeeping (TQH) System tout average chemical cost cutting of up to 50% or more. Then, add in what up to a doubling of staff productivity will earn for you.

It is serious money about which we are talking. Money that you should not be wasting. Money that you can use elsewhere in your program.

A few weeks ago, a customer said to me: “Using the TQH System is like giving my budget a secret banker.” Unimagined results for less than half his previous costs.

Across America, a large number of your peers have the same story to share.

As always, thank you for allowing me this visit.